Do we have any shovel ready projects?

"Sea wall construction" by M Etherington is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 
While the comment period has been closed, announcement of the RFP, and application has not.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities - FEMA’s New Approach to Pre-Disaster Mitigation Funding quotes:
"This new fund will be available to state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) entities for investment in mitigation before a disaster and is expected to be a major increase in funds available to SLTTs to prepare before disaster strikes."

"Identify potential shovel-ready, BRIC-eligible hazard mitigation and resiliency projects"  
 "It takes a significant amount of time and resources to fully develop mitigation applications. Current FEMA guidance allows projects that appear eligible to move forward to the intensive application development phase, when in fact such projects may not be feasible, be cost effective, or otherwise meet numerous FEMA requirements."
