How much will it take?
How will we establish priorities?
Who will decide?
Quoting from Yale Environment 360:
"Globally, the question of equity is even more acute, with cities in developed nations far better able to fund climate change adaptation projects than in developing countries. “In an environment of scarce resources for local authorities, especially in poor countries, mobilizing such resources will be a real political and institutional challenge”
World Bank study.
"Educating people about the costs of not doing anything, or not doing enough soon enough, is key. The problem with investing in resilience is where is the cash flow? What we’re doing is protecting against future damage, but there’s not a new positive cash flow. You’re not creating new value. You’re protecting against the loss of existing value. One way or another we’ve got to pay for this, and nobody likes that. So there’s going to be a lot of fights."
David Levy, Management Professor at the University of Massachusetts Boston
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